Creating and editing the userconstants file
The Settings * Constants button has changed location and function. Before it allowed editing of the setconstants file. The new button has moved to the Edit menu and is called User Constants. This creates and allows editing of the userconstants file. Rather than dealing with the file directly, it allows the user to add new variables by choosing from the list of variables in Synergy. The value entered is only a default value to be placed in the /usr/weber/contrib/ascrpt/userconstants file. It does not change the current settings of a job. The changes will take effect the next time a new job is started.
There are now non-variational functions to manipulate the direction of non-VDM entities. For example, you may want to change the direction of lines that were read in through an IGES file. This feature can be found in the Independent Construction menus under Trim.
The auto link routines no longer allow invalid picks. Variational entities can only be auto linked variationally. The same holds true for non-variational entities. The results of mixing variational and non-variational geometry when using Auto Link are undefined.